Our Curriculum
Our play-based curriculum is based on the C&K approach, Listening and Learning Together. At the heart of the C&K philosophy is encouraging children to be curious and to love learning.
Our curriculum blends structured learning with play-based learning experiences. For example, if your child is building a sandcastle, the educator might encourage them to count how many buckets of sand they use or measure how high the castle is. To the child it is play, but there is a lesson inside.
Our curriculum is supported by the EYLF (Early Years Learning Framework) and the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guidelines (QKLG), both of which are based on the concept of learning through play.

Why choose Sandgate Kids Kindergarten?
Choosing the most suitable kindy for your child can be hard. It’s not easy to tell which kindergartens are worth consideration.
We make the decision easy for you.
- By choosing Sandgate Kids Kindergarten you are tapping into our standards of excellence in care, curriculum and ongoing professional development.
- Our team is always looking for ways to improve our service and our own professional performance. Just because we’re qualified it doesn’t mean we stop learning.
- Our centre is equipped to offer a wide range of learning opportunities and we happily cater for children with special needs.
- We value our relationship with parents and involve you wherever possible. We know you’re not always available to be a helper, so your child’s online portfolio helps us stay in touch every day.
Above all, we care about our children and our track record proves it.