Starting Kindergarten
The big day is coming, and we want you to be well prepared for the new adventure your child is setting out on.
The first day at kindy can be difficult for your both, particularly at drop-off time.
Here are some tips for making the first few days go smoothly.
Before your child starts at Sandgate Kids Kindergarten
- Talk about kindergarten and how much fun it can be, so your child is ready for the experience beforehand.
- If possible, bring your child to visit the kindy and meet the teachers so they know what to expect.
- Show your child where everything is, from the layout of the room to the location of the toilets.
On the first day
Your child will be feeling nervous so take time with them. If you can stay for a while to help them settle in, it will make separating easier on you both.
Some children will be enthusiastic from the beginning; others might be a bit upset.
It’s normal to feel afraid of something new, especially when you’re only four.
If your child is upset when it’s time for you to leave, don’t worry too much. It’s hard not to be involved in the fun happening nearby. Most children settle down as soon as you’re out of sight.
What does my child need to bring?
Every day please pack your child’s bag with:
- A change of clothes (just in case)
- Wide-brimmed or legionnaires hat for sun protection. (We’re a sun-smart centre)
- Nutritional food and snacks for the day
- Water bottle
Please make sure everything is clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Read the parent handbook
You’ll find a lot of useful information in the Parent Handbook. Try to read it before the big day arrives. It will give you a better understanding of what to expect and that will help your child feel more confident about starting kindy.
When does my child start?
The target age for children enrolling in kindergarten is four years of age by 30 June in the year they attend.